Friday, August 18, 2017

Candidates studying to become a Lay Carmelite are also expected:

• To meet monthly with the formation director for a two-hour class in the Phase 1 formation program, which consists of 12 lessons in preparation to be received into the Lay Carmelites
• After Reception, to meet monthly with the formation director for a two-hour class in the Phase 2 formation program, which consists of 24 lessons in preparation to make temporary profession as a Lay Carmelite

OUR general whole group:

The Lay Carmelite is expected to participate in the daily celebration of the Eucharist when possible. 
He/she should spend about one-half hour in meditation each day, that is reflecting on the Scriptures, using Lectio Divina or some other appropriate type of personal reflective prayer. 
The Lay Carmelite also prays in union with the Church through recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours—Morning and Evening Prayer. 
Lay Carmelites attend a monthly community meeting. 
They wear the smaller Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel daily as an external sign of dedication to Mary, as a sign of trust in her motherly protection, as well as an expression of their desire to be like Mary in her commitment to Christ and to others.
 The Ceremonial Scapular ( those Professed and received) is to be worn to Mass on meeting days as well as on any Carmelite ST. feast or solemnity except ones that land on Sunday.

One is expected to stay for the whole book lesson, after having actually read the chapter and ready to discuss a few of the questions.

When it is your group month for providing food for meeting: you are expected to come early 7:AM to 7:30 AM to set the table ready, make the coffee and put up the "altar". 
you are expected to stay and clean up the food table, wash the dishes and coffee maker, take the altar down, and put everything in boxes for storage.